Professor Ross Large – SMEDG Speaker Thursday
28th June, 2007
Ross Large is Professor of Geology and the Director of CODES at the University
of Tasmania. He received his BSc
(Hons) from UTAS in 1969, and PhD from University
of New England in 1974 under the
supervision of Richard Stanton.
For thirteen years Ross worked in mineral exploration for Geopeko Ltd.,
exploring for IOCG, VHMS and carbonate replacement deposits.
In 1983 he left the mineral exploration industry to accept a lecturing
position at the University of Tasmania.
In 1989 Ross established CODES — jointly funded by the Australian Research
Council, UTAS, the Mining Industry and State Government. Since then CODES has
become recognised as one of the top ore deposit research centres in the world.
Ross received the Lindgren Award from
the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) in
1983, the Presidents Award from the AusIMM in 1989, was the SEG
Distinguished lecturer in 1998, was elected a Fellow of the Australian
Academy of Technological Sciences
and Engineering in 1999, and was awarded the Haddon King Medal in 2005 by the Australian
Academy of Science. Ross was
President of the SEG in 2004.
Research Interests
Ross is internationally recognised for his research on the genesis of, and
exploration for, stratiform sulfide deposits of Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-Au in volcanic arcs
and sedimentary basins.